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Paying for your health and wellness needs has never been easier. Dr. Kashan proudly accepts Care Credit as a financing option. With Care Credit, you can easily cover the cost of your procedure without having to worry about high out-of-pocket costs. Simply apply for Care Credit with Dr. Kashan online using this link and get an answer within minutes. Enjoy the benefits of your aesthetic journey, while making convenient monthly payments that fit your budget.


Your Comprehensive Guide to Blepharoplasty

Discovery July 21, 2023

We all love a good compliment about our youthful looks. Who doesn’t want to be mistaken for a younger sibling at the next family reunion or get carded at a restaurant? But when droopy eyelids and bags under the eyes take over, that might not be the reality. Our eyes, often referred to as the “windows to the soul,” hold a prominent position in our facial aesthetics. Not only do they express our emotions, but they also significantly contribute to our overall appearance, and in many ways, to our self-esteem. However, time and life’s stresses can leave their marks around this sensitive area, leading to signs of aging and deteriorated aesthetics.

To counteract these changes and restore a youthful and vibrant look, many individuals turn to a blepharoplasty. This innovative procedure offers a solution that not only rejuvenates the appearance of the eyes but also significantly impacts one’s overall facial harmony, self-confidence, and in some cases, even visual function.

Understanding Blepharoplasty
Blepharoplasty, more commonly known as eyelid surgery, is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the appearance of the eyes. It’s aimed at revamping the upper and lower eyelids by removing or repositioning excess skin and fat. The results? Natural, yet stunning – if completed by the talented Dr. Kashan who specialises in facial aesthetics. Patients often find that eyelid surgery:

  • Diminishes puffiness and bags under the eyes that can make one appear older or perpetually tired
  • Eliminates excess drooping skin from the upper eyelids, which can sometimes impede vision
  • Softens the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes for a more youthful appearance
  • Enhances the overall symmetry between both eyes
  • Uplifts their self-image and instils a renewed sense of confidence
  • Helps make the application of makeup, especially eyeliner much more fluid and neat

Ideal Candidate for Blepharoplasty
The best way to find out if you’re a strong candidate for eyelid surgery is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kashan. He will be able to establish your suitability for the procedure and provide expert guidance on your aesthetic.

In general, a potential candidate for Blepharoplasty typically:

  • Enjoys good overall health and doesn’t have serious eye conditions
  • Does not smoke, or is prepared to quit in the weeks surrounding the procedure
  • Is bothered by the appearance of their eyelids due to excess skin or fat
  • Holds realistic expectations about what the surgery can achieve
  • Is committed to the recovery process and is able to follow the post-op care instructions

During a consultation, our expert surgical team can help evaluate if Blepharoplasty is the right choice for you.

Safety Considerations for Blepharoplasty
While blepharoplasty, like all surgical procedures, comes with potential risks, these can be significantly mitigated when you are under the care of a seasoned, plastic surgeon such as Dr. David Kashan.

Dr. Kashan, with over a decade of experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery, has honed his skills at the esteemed Cleveland Clinic. His portfolio brims with successful procedures, showcasing his ability to achieve natural, rejuvenating results. To view his portfolio and see some before and after pictures, click here.

The Journey of a Blepharoplasty Procedure
After your initial consultation with Dr. Kashan, where you’ll discuss your goals and expectations, you’ll embark on your blepharoplasty journey. Here’s a brief overview of what to expect on the day of your surgery:

  • Location: The procedure takes place conveniently at our office under local anesthesia. This makes it easy for you to go home afterwards to rest and recuperate.
  • Anesthesia: Most blepharoplasty procedures are performed under local anesthesia and sedation – you’ll be awake but feeling quite relaxed and can expect to experience little to no pain. This ensures you remain comfortable throughout the surgery.
  • Incision and Reshaping: The procedure involves Dr. Kashan making precise incisions along the natural lines of your eyelids. Through these, he removes or repositions fat deposits, tightens muscles, and trims excess skin, ultimately restoring a more youthful appearance to your eyes.
  • Incision Closure: The incisions are then delicately closed using very fine sutures, which helps minimize visible scarring post-surgery. The scar blends seamlessly into your eyelid crease, providing beautifully natural results.

The procedure usually takes between one to two hours, and post-surgery, you’ll spend around 5-10 days recuperating,  carefully following Dr. Kashan’s aftercare instructions. The downtime tends to be minimal and you will likely still be able to accomplish most daily life tasks.

Navigating Your Recovery
The recovery process is just as important as the surgery itself. Dr. Kashan will guide you through a comprehensive recovery plan tailored to your needs and surgical outcomes. Although recovery from blepharoplasty typically involves some swelling, bruising, and minimal discomfort, these can be managed effectively with prescribed medications.

Generally, patients are advised to take one week off from work to facilitate a smooth recovery. During this time, you will receive detailed aftercare instructions, including tips on how to care for your eyes, guidance on appropriate levels of activity, and how to apply protective ointments or eye drops.

Adopting a balanced diet and engaging in gentle exercise, as advised by Dr. Kashan, can help promote proper healing and lead to optimal results. Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your healing progress and ensure everything is on the right track.

Stepping Forward With Blepharoplasty
Are you ready to embrace a fresher, more youthful appearance? Don’t hold back on reaching out to us. Whether you’re curious, have concerns, or are ready to dive in, we’re here to guide you through your journey, every step of the way. Connect with us online or over the phone to have all your questions answered, and we’d be more than happy to schedule a consultation at our conveniently located New York office.

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July 10, 2023
August 31, 2023