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Care Credit

Paying for your health and wellness needs has never been easier. Dr. Kashan proudly accepts Care Credit as a financing option. With Care Credit, you can easily cover the cost of your procedure without having to worry about high out-of-pocket costs. Simply apply for Care Credit with Dr. Kashan online using this link and get an answer within minutes. Enjoy the benefits of your aesthetic journey, while making convenient monthly payments that fit your budget.


Also known as a “tummy tuck,” an abdominoplasty flattens and contours your abdomen for an athletic, natural-looking figure.


By removing extra fat and skin and tightening muscles in your abdominal wall, Dr. Kashan applies refined surgical skill to provide you with the abs you’ve always wanted.

Key candidates for abdominoplasties are women who have had several pregnancies and anyone who’s lost significant amounts of weight.


An abdominoplasty can help you regain confidence levels and rediscover enjoyment in lounging in a bikini on the beach.

Abdominoplasty patients report significantly higher levels of self-esteem after their procedure. What’s more, an abdominoplasty will strengthen your core, which in turn can relieve lower back pain and improve posture. It can also prevent other medical complications associated with excess fat or weak abdominal muscles, such as urinary incontinence, ventral hernias and diabetes.


Your abdominoplasty questions answered.

What are my options for receiving a tummy tuck?


There are three kinds of procedures available for patients seeking an abdominoplasty. The first is a mini tummy tuck, which is ideal for patients with a minimal amount of excess weight and skin. A standard tummy tuck is ideal for patients with larger amounts of excess weight and skin, and usually requires the reconstruction of the belly button. A fleur de lis is for patients with very large amounts of loose skin to be removed.

What’s the difference between a tummy tuck and liposuction?


Abdominoplasties or tummy tucks reconstruct the muscles underneath and remove excess skin from the abdomen. Liposuction, on the other hand, only removes excess fat. Liposuction will not remove or reduce loose or excess skin from the abdomen.

Can I receive a tummy tuck before having children?


There’s no medical risk to having children after receiving an abdominoplasty, but it’s recommended to wait until after childbirth to maximize the results of the surgery.

Abdominoplasty long island Abdominoplasty near me

See how Dr. Kashan’s abdominoplasties have reimagined his patients’ figures.

Abdominoplasties help patients rediscover their confidence and help their bodies feel stronger and more supple. Browse our Before & After gallery to see how Dr. Kashan helps patients reshape their abdomens with individualized abdominoplasty treatments.

Are you ready to start your cosmetic journey?

Reach out to Team Kashan today to schedule your consultation.